Tuesday, July 17, 2007

For the record...

My colleague on this site seems to think that I believe Mark Cuban is going to magically bring a World Series win to the Cubs. Erroneous.

I believe that we're going to win it this year, so it won't be magic when we win it next year with Cuban.

I also believe that regardless of his fan affiliations growing up, Mr. Cuban is an exciting prospect for owner compared to some of the ho-hums that have turned in their papers. He has a personal flare that is hard to find in a land full of Bud Selig wannabes. He has proven that he is dedicated to greatness in all that he has got involved in (just ask Dirk) and I think that his is a face that would be a welcomed addition to this already fine organization.

And I don't even care that he probably would secretly root for the Pirates. They suck, and I fully expect them to continue doing so for at least the next decade.

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