Thursday, April 5, 2007

And here I thought the White Sox were the white trash team

Different people deal with disappointment in a lot of different ways. Some cry, some get angry, after the Opening Day game I tried to forget about it by watching the Ohio State game, and once they lost I had to turn to Grand Theft Auto to release my anger towards the whole day. The Cubs players, however had a different way of coping with their failure. They decided to go watch some fake sports so they could forget about the real one they were just dominated at. That's right people, they went to see Monday Night RAW.

Mr. Howry, your wife Dena would kindly ask you to remove your hand with
your wedding ring from Victoria's posterior region. Thank you.

Courtesy of Wrigleyville23.


Jake the Terrible Cubs Fan said...

Stone Cold Steve Austin threw out the first pitch yesterday for the Sox, so I think their stronghold on the toothless trailer trash demographic is safe.

Do they sell Busch Light at The Cell?

Jez said...

No, they don't sell Busch Light, but they sell Old Style. Come to think of it, I think they sell it at Wrigley, too.

tollberg said...

My ex-roommate is a big fan of Busch Light.

...notice I said Ex-roommate.