Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Groin Attacks Again!

I forgot to mention this in yesterday's game summary. The biggest reason the Cubs won the game is probably because Ben Sheets thought he was playing for the Cubs for a minute. He left in the 3rd inning with a strained groin. Nomar feels your pain, Mr. Sheets.

This image will be burned into your brain until the end of time.

On a side note, there's an interesting article over at The Daily Northwestern about what it's like to play Cubs reporter for a day. The writer even got a hug from Michael Barrett. Oh yeah? Well I high fived Ronnie Woo Woo. Twice. Suck on that.


Captain Beefjuice said...

Jesus, as often as Sheets gets hurt I'm surprised we haven't tried to make a trade for him.

tollberg said...

Well you know since I am trying to convince them to dump Wade Miller, maybe he's a possibility. Doubt even the Brewers would want Wade though.